Axelia help educate potential long term risks in the working environment & looks at how to mitigate against…


Your Health Matters

Staying Safe when Working from Home

A while back we didn’t have to think so much about our health in the workplace, as we’d usually assume our employer would take care of this. Since Covid-19, many of us have had to work from home which has put our occupational health more in our own hands. Not only that, we are being effectively forced to use our Smart Devices to manage every aspect of our lives without us really being aware of or hearing about the potential negative effects this same technology brings to our health from Blue-Light, RF (Radio-Frequency) & EMF exposure.

Have you considered your occupational health?

Our Products & Services

We offer tried and tested products & services that have been proven to help people keep safe from potential negative effects in occupational environments.

Negative effects of our wireless world!

What are the dangers

Negative effects of Blue-Light!


what are the dangers

Working from home?


ensuring your WELL-BEING when working from home

Run a Business?

protecting your employees in the workplace & working from home

Working from home & hybrid work is here to stay – let’s make sure we all stay safe and healthy at work & at home

Axelia Health

We help our customers keep their employees physically and mentally healthy

Axelia Health

Helping you look after your well-being whilst working from home

Axelia Health

Why choose us

We have experienced the negative effects of RF-EMF & Blue Light.


Our business was created from one of the co-founder’s direct life experience from the negative effects of using modern technology in the occupational environment whilst working from home. Having to diagnose what the doctors couldn’t & resolving something that wasn’t obvious was a tough job that included a vast amount of research & time! This important knowledge needed to be shared with others, along with solutions to mitigate the dangers unfortunately from the technology we all use & love!


We are in a unique position to not only educate employees/employers to mitigate these relatively unknown dangers but also to be able to confidently offer products & solutions to mitigate these dangers that are proven to help.


We also have knowledge & experience on ways to potentially reverse some of the damage caused.


Our Approach



Our first goal is to educate employees & employers on the potential negative impacts of modern technology


Change how we think

We need to challenge our thoughts and actions to improve our health and well-being


Provide Solutions

Make changes to limit our exposures by using traditional trusted simple solutions that benefit both employees & employers



We encourage our followers to spread the word to friends & love-ones to stay safe in this technological world

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