10 Basic Actions To Mitigate EMF Health Issues
10 Basic Actions To Mitigate EMF Health Issues

This post was written by Andy

After learning the hard way from being diagnosed with EHS (Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity) along with other related negative effects of everyday manmade technology like RF-EMF & Blue-Light, my mission is to educate others to mitigate against long term damaging effects to their health.

10 Basic Actions To Mitigate EMF Health Issues

These tips help to mitigate the negative health effects of radio-frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) levels for personal exposure. Adherence to these tips is intended to protect people from all substantiated harmful effects of RF-EMF exposure that over time can affect our body’s biological systems and cause potential DNA damage and cancer later in life.

1. Never sleep with your phone next to you

2. Turn on aeroplane mode and turn off wireless and Bluetooth whenever you can

3. Simply turn the phone off at night

4. NEVER put a mobile phone to your head

5. NEVER let a child near a mobile, unless it’s in full aeroplane mode

6. When travelling keep your phone at least 1m away

7. NEVER put your phone in your pocket or bra

8. Avoid making calls when the signal is weak as this causes cell phones to boost RF transmission power

9.) If you’re not using Bluetooth or wireless, then turn them off

10.) When texting, emailing or using anything on your mobile or smart tablet that doesn’t require internet, turn on flight mode, do what you want to do and ONLY turn back on when you need to send!