About Us

Our Company

Passionate about every aspect of our business


Our Story

Who are we

Axelia Health was born out of a combination of real-life experiences from the negative effects of using modern-day technology and a father/daughter relationship, where vast amounts of cross-market experience have made the perfect match to spread the word & provide solutions and products for both working at home and for office environments.


We have the experience

Unfortunately, we found out the hard way! A few years back, Andy (Co-founder of Axelia Health) spent over 2 years working from bed due to spinal damage, so he surrounded himself with all the latest WIFI technology to enable him to continue working however, after a period of time he started getting 8-10 fevers/day, which couldn’t be explained! One weekend he decided to shut down everything in his room including all Smart Devices, wireless, laptop & router & his fevers literally stopped! Yes, one may say that’s an extreme case, however, it simply shows an accelerated example of the negative effects that normal people are exposed to that may not be seen for some years. Andy now works from a zero-gravity workstation with everything hardwired including smart devices!

Whilst researching the negative effects from RF-EMF, another major problem Andy was experiencing got resolved. Research on the negative effects of Blue Light is a similar subject to RF-EMF & although originally he thought his sleep problems were from stress, he read that the Blue Light emitted from all modern technology with a screen interrupts with our natural sleep cycles, affects our alertness and our hormone production. Stopping usage at least 1 hour before bedtime helped improve his sleep in general.

We have many years collective experience in providing products and solutions to industry and the end-user market, so we are perfectly placed to communicate the message to everyone, whether working from home, working from the office or in a hybrid arrangement which is becoming the new norm! 

What do we do

We offer education to both employees & employers to help them make informed decisions in the occupational environment in the office or at home. We also offer products to mitigate the potential dangers of constant reliance on modern technology and we offer safe alternatives to help reduce the temptation of continual use of smart devices, which increases daily exposure to both RF-EMF and Blue-Light, both of which can cause damage over time. We encourage people to share their knowledge with others especially those most at risk, to ensure we all increase our awareness and make sensible choices to improve and maintain our health.


Why we do it

We are passionate about giving people the opportunity to learn the truth about the the serious potential long term negative effects from the use of man-made technological products. Existing usage regulations are seriously out of date and many non independent studies regarding safety have been funded by the industry supplying the products! Take the example of the cigarette industry – it took 4 decades before any serious side effects became common knowledge. We want to prevent the same happening regarding RF-EMF and Blue light, as due to a lack of awareness people are causing themselves harm without realising it.

Home Office Computer Desk
Dangers of RF-EMF on Children

Our Team




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