

Mitigating the negative effects from Blue-Light

Dangers from Blue Light

Blue-Light from all types of device...


Blue-Light dangers come from the technology we all love…

As all of us are constantly exposed to Blue-Light dangers from various gadgets on a daily basis, it is inevitable that we are all very vulnerable to the unforeseen harmful effects that they may cause.
The health dangers resulting from the blue-light emitted by these technologies have been an emerging concern that needs to be considered seriously. It is essential to have a good understanding of this matter so that we can help ourselves and our loved ones avoid the blue light dangers and damaging effects on our health.

what is blue-light

Blue-Light Spectrum

Of all colours, blue-light has a very short wavelength of 380-500 nanometers which makes it one of the shortest and highest-energy wavelengths.
It represents 1/3 of all visible light so blue light is pretty much present in almost all places.

Blue Light Glasses

Light Spectrum

Blue-Light Affects Us All

Negative Effects

How Blue-Light Affects our lives mostly without us knowing…

It’s safe to say that most of us spend a significant amount of time staring at screens. And this can be harmful to our eyes. Blurred vision, eyestrain, dry eye, macular degeneration, and cataracts have all been linked to blue-light dangers from electronics. Blue-light is difficult to block with your eyes. As a result, almost all of it passes straight through to the back of your retina, which aids in the conversion of light into images in your brain. Blue-Light, more than any other colour, disrupts your body’s ability to prepare for sleep by blocking melatonin, a hormone that makes you drowsy.

How to protect against Blue-light

Investing in a quality pair of Blue-Light glasses helps mitigate potential damage.

Blue-light blocking glasses have special lenses that block or at least filter out certain light waves from devices and are also said to protect the retina from damage.

Blue-light can make it difficult to focus on the screen, making your eyes strain to concentrate. Blue light glasses help increase contrast on your screen, making it easier to focus and subsequently reduce eye strain

Blue Light Glasses

Blue-Light Glasses