Negative Effects of a Wireless World



Mitigating the negative effects from RF-EMF Negative Effects from Wireless World

Dangers from Blue Light

RF-EMF from all types of devices...


RF-EMF comes from the technology we all love

Man-made sources of RF-EMF have recently been affecting the natural electromagnetic environment due to recent technology advancements. People are exposed to RF-EMF generated by humans in both their work surroundings and their daily lives. Radio-frequency (RF) RF-EMF, i.e. radio waves and microwaves (100 kHz–300 GHz), and power frequency RF-EMF (50, 60 Hz) are the most prevalent technology-related RF-EMF. In industry (welding machines, induction heaters), telecommunication (TV and radio broadcast stations), medical (NMR, diathermy), and everyday life (microwave ovens, mobile phones, and 5G—the newest generation of mobile communication), RF-emitting devices are widely utilised.

What is RF-EMF

RF-EMF Spectrum

When we group all types of electromagnetic radiation together based on their frequencies and wavelengths, we create an electromagnetic spectrum that aids in comparative analysis. 

The electromagnetic spectrum (EM Spectrum) is made up of a variety of frequencies and wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation. We divide the electromagnetic spectrum into seven regions based on the pattern of increasing frequencies and decreasing wavelengths. From left to right, these seven electromagnetic radiant energies are as follows: radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet rays, X-rays, and gamma rays.

The radio waves on the far left of the spectrum have lower energy and are expressed as frequency, while the next regions – microwaves, infrared, visible light, and ultraviolet rays – are expressed as wavelength, and the regions on the far right of the spectrum – X-rays and gamma rays – have higher energy radiation and are thus expressed as energy per photon.

Blue Light Glasses

Electromagnetic Spectrum

RF-EMF Affects Us All

Negative Effects

How RF-EMF Affects our lives mostly without us knowing…

Exposure to very high RF intensities can result in heating of biological tissue and an increase in body temperature. Tissue damage in humans could occur during exposure to high RF levels because of the body’s inability to cope with or dissipate the excessive heat that could be generated. It has been found that RF-EMF can induce changes in central nervous system nerve cells, including neuronal cell apoptosis, changes in the function of the nerve myelin and ion channels; furthermore, RF-EMF act as a stress source in living creatures. 


How to protect against RF-EMF

Investing in an RF-EMF meter will open your eyes, so you can make informed decisions.

It’s difficult for people to really understand the negative effects of RF-EMF however, using an RF-EMF reader to identify items or rooms that you are mostly exposed to these negative effects. It enables you to make informed decisions about using anything wireless and it will help you to mitigate the potentially serious negative effects on your body and all your loved ones in your home.

Blue Light Glasses

RF-EMF Meter