Negative Side Effects on Teenagers use of Mobile Phones
Negative Effects on Teenagers using Mobile Phones

This post was written by Andy

After learning the hard way from being diagnosed with EHS (Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity) along with other related negative effects of everyday manmade technology like RF-EMF & Blue-Light, my mission is to educate others to mitigate against long term damaging effects to their health.
Parents may wish to provide mobile phones to their teenagers for security reasons. However, it is widely acknowledged that mobile phones can be abused and have a variety of negative consequences for young people. While it is useful for tracking movements, it is also important to consider the Negative Effects on Teenagers using Mobile Phones. 8 out of 10 children aged 12 to 17 own a smartphone. It’s common to see a group of teenagers standing together but not talking and completely absorbed in their own activities these days.

Teenagers use smartphones to communicate with their parents as well as to engage in a variety of other activities, both positive and negative. Teenagers use the internet far more than adults, with 1 out of 4 having access. Continue reading to learn whether mobile phones are beneficial to teenagers, the negative effects of mobile phones, and safe mobile phone usage tips.

Effects Of Mobile Phones On Teenagers

There is no denying that a mobile phone is an extremely useful tool. It makes it easier to communicate with friends and family and carry out tasks. However, every technology that offers such advantages is not without drawbacks. Mobile phones have had a significant impact on both youth and society. When you give your teenager a mobile phone, you must be very careful in this area. Here’s how mobile phones affect teenagers:


Having a mobile phone will tempt your teenager to spend the entire day talking or texting instead of doing something productive. Teenagers who spend too much time on their phones, according to studies, are more prone to stress, anxiety, and depression. Excessive smartphone use has also been linked to an increased risk of mental health problems, according to research.

Sleep deprivation 

Most teenagers sleep with their phones near them in order to respond to texts and calls and to be reachable at all times. This may result in sleep disruptions and interruptions. Teenagers who use mobile phones after lights go out have been shown to be less focused in school. 


Teenagers who rely on texting as their primary mode of communication may experience increased anxiety. Texting is instant gratification, but it also causes anxiety. A friend’s immediate response can bring joy and elation. However, if there is a delay or no response, this same pleasure can turn into disappointment. Furthermore, mobile phone addiction can develop into an obsession with checking messages and responding immediately.


Teenagers who spend more than 3hrs a day on their phones are more likely to become obese, according to research. According to the study, teenagers who spend more than 5hrs per day in front of screens are 43% more likely to get less sleep or exercise, which leads to obesity.

Vision problems

Teenagers vision problems are said to be exacerbated by increased use of mobile phones. Stress, redness, a burning sensation, blurred vision, and dry eyes are among the symptoms. Excessive use of mobile phones outweighs the benefits and causes new problems in teenagers. While you cannot prevent them from using a cell phone, you can limit their use by establishing some ground rules.

Tips On Safe Usage Of Mobile Phones For Teenagers

Mobile phones aren’t going away, at least not anytime soon. As a result, you must educate your teenager on mobile phone safety and responsible usage. They must also establish agreed-upon limits for mobile phone usage. Here are some strategies for avoiding the negative effects of mobile phones on teenagers:

1. Negotiate with your teenager the appropriate amount of time and money spent on mobile phones.

2. Advise them to resist the urge to respond to texts right away.

3. Ask them to turn off their mobile phone while driving.

4. To maintain a regular sleep schedule, ask them to turn off their mobile phone before going to bed.

5. Teach your teenager that short to moderate phone conversations can help to mitigate the negative effects to some extent. Encourage them to limit their daily conversations to no more than 20 minutes.
6. Encourage installation of apps, which track daily phone use. This enables the user to keep a track of actual phone usage per day.

7. Choose a monthly plan that specifies how many call minutes and text messages are available. If you pay the bill, you will also have access to the mobile phone records, which will allow you to track how frequently you’re teenager calls and texts, as well as to which numbers.

8. Limit your mobile phone usage to set a good example for your teenager, as they tend to imitate or learn more from their parents.

9. Make it a rule that mobile phone use is prohibited at least one hour before going to bed.

10. Also, make sure your teenager does not use their phone during meals or family gatherings.

11. Ensure that your teenager engages in physical activities such as walking and sports on a daily basis. Encourage them to leave their phones at home while participating in such activities.

It is wonderful to be a part of the evolving technological world, and everyone, including teenagers, should enjoy its benefits in moderation. Allow technology to not take away the joy of playing outside and spending time with family. When used responsibly, mobile phones can be quite useful.