Home Office Safe Working
Simple Free Ways to Reduce Your EMF Exposure

This post was written by Andy

After learning the hard way from being diagnosed with EHS (Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity) along with other related negative effects of everyday manmade technology like RF-EMF & Blue-Light, my mission is to educate others to mitigate against long term damaging effects to their health.

Power down at night.

Connect your Wi-Fi to a switch so you can turn it off at night or when not in use. Decreasing exposure in your home environment can help you get a better night’s sleep.

Change your mobile phone to airplane mode.

If you use your phone as an alarm clock, make sure all wireless signal is turned off (WIFI, Bluetooth, 3G, 4G, 5G) so it isn’t emitted close to your brain all night. Also, if you’re walking or carrying your phone with you, put it on airplane mode if you don’t need it.

Keep all wireless devices out of the kitchen and bedroom.

It’s best to keep all of these devices away from your eating and sleeping areas, as these are the most heavily used areas of the house and where you spend most of your time.

Do not carry your phone on your body.

Identify periods during the day when you do not require your phone to be on or near you: 

Having dinner with another person, spending time in the great outdoors, out walking the dog or when you’re in front of the computer as a few examples.

Hundreds of studies have been conducted on the effects of EMF on fertility, sperm count, breast cancer, and women’s and men’s health. 

Use the speakerphone feature.

When conversing, it’s advisable not to hold your phone up to your ear; instead, place it at least 1m away to reduce your exposure.

Eat spices and take a magnesium supplement 

Due to their protective capacity against peroxynitrites, spices high in phenolics, such as cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, cloves, and rosemary, have been shown in studies to help protect as well as heal damage caused by EMF. 

Peroxynitrite is a harmful substance produced naturally in the body when nitric oxide and superoxide radicals interact (which result from EMF exposure) 

Magnesium also helps lessen the impact of EMF exposure on your body because it is a natural calcium channel blocker.  

As a result, optimising your magnesium level may aid in reducing EMF harm.